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Customized Need Based Curriculum

Instead, Pitambar employs strategies of customized curriculum work to make sure that students are given the most effective tools to assist them to meet their potential and get the education they deserve. Unfortunately, the standard school system doesn’t always meet these numerous needs. The standardized curriculum utilized in an average school setting tends to be very “endpoint driven”. The result of such a curriculum varies based on the kid in question. For instance, a child who is able to get a reasonably quick grasp on new subjects and is willing to simply follow instructions might not see many negative effects when placed in this type of setting. However, even this “model student” kid may suffer from stifled curiosity.

Other problems that tend to arise in classrooms using traditional curriculum include boredom from kids who may be working at a much quicker pace and stress from those who may require more time to grasp certain concepts. These feelings will manifest in a variety of ways, none of which are desirable. The solution to this drawback comes in the form of a customized curriculum. However, while this can be the obvious answer, implementing a customized curriculum for each and every kid in a school is long, labor-intensive, and expensive to boot. Fortunately, several private schools are willing to place forth that additional bit of effort so as to give students the chance to experience the advantages offered by a customized curriculum.