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Create Educational Audio Visual Aids And E-Books

Moreover, every language has certain thoughts which are hidden­ behind certain words with the help of audio-visual aids; the teacher can enable the student to understand quickly and surely the hidden meaning of certain words, not all the vocabulary that the learners need, can be ‘taught’, learners will need a lot of exposure to talk and text as well as training for self-directed learning.

Therefore, implementing audio-visual aids such as DVDs, videos, and PowerPoint presentations in the classroom may be useful for teaching aids for middle school pupils or students. Another important point is concerning time i.e. how can audio-visuals build a strong and rich vocabulary in a short time. Generally, when people discuss Educational Audio-visual Aids and E-books they tend to discuss the relationship between audio-visual aids and English vocabulary teaching/ learning, as well as, try to prove their effectiveness in enhancing the vocabulary acquisition. Educational Audio-visual Aids and E-books make the Learning process more effective and conceptual. And also grabs the attention of students.