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Whether you’re filling the school library or looking for something new to read with your class, finding inclusive books is important. Children ought to see difference and different families celebrated all around them. Universalization of elementary education (UEE) is a national commitment as well as a constitutional provision in India. Universalization implies educating all kids up to the age of fourteen which is equivalent to completion of upper primary level of education.

Over the many years, efforts by the government towards achieving the goal of UEE (Universalization of elementary education) were focused more on the primary stage as compared to the upper primary level of education. With the expansion of enrollment at the primary level of education, the pressure for expansion of the upper primary level of education has increased. The present study was an attempt to research implications for the provision of upper primary education facilities to confirm that this level of education is provided to any or all eligible kids.

This simply implies creation of easy geographical access conditions to enroll all or any of the eligible kids in schools (mentioned upper primary schools here), provision reasonable levels of physical as well as infrastructural facilities in upper primary schools as well as the teaching and learning materials in the classrooms to facilitate meaningful syllabus transaction.